Do not let your spiritual faith hold you back.

My question is; is my faith holding me back from being the greatest I can be? I have goals and ambitions which If I am honest I can achieve. But for some reason I get stuck. I start doing my research, reading, and I gather all the things I need to make my dream a success or at least start the engine of my goal, and I get stuck. Now, I believe in Jesus Christ. I think all things are possible through him. The bible verse is “….but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26 NewLivingTranslation). So why am I delaying? Have all the the years of attending church and believing in a miracle resulted in my downfall?

I want you to understand what I’m saying; some people will disagree with me. But, I know what I’m saying. I grew in a household where being ‘Rich’ was Gods choice. And if you weren’t wealthy or successful then it was God’s doing and you should accept it and not complain to God. I, from a very young age disagreed with it; to be precise, I was eight years old. It never sat well with me my parent’s perception of being successful, rich.

I met my husband and all that changed. He also believed that in life, you could achieve what you want, when you put your mind to it. I was thrilled. Finally, an African man born into a Christian household (Deeper Life church) believed that you could own a house, you can buy a car, go on holidays and have enough money in the bank for luxuries. Yes, exactly what we have achieved.

My mum prayed about everything. I mean everything; she has a favourite saying “everything is God’s timing”. I heard this every day growing up, but yet she made not a single step to put her prayers into action. What is it about the African/ Caribbean culture where we look to the sky, hoping that God will send us manna from heaven. Waiting for an answer when all we have to do is make a move. Enlighten our minds. Read a book or ask questions’. I, for one, am done with this approach, and I can successfully say I am making a move, by writing this piece. It may not sit well with you, or you may agree with me. Anyways I love to read the stories of your own experience. Share with me.

I am Abby, and I am just getting started.